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ACT ELA: 8 Hour Pacing Guide
Jorge Garcia avatar
Written by Jorge Garcia
Updated over a week ago

See below for ChalkTalk's 8 hour pacing guide for the ELA portion of the ACT.

To learn more about Chalktalk's pacing guides and how to use them click here.

Lesson Slides (in-class): Complete all slides & examples from the lesson unless otherwise instructed. Lessons labeled with an (E) are English related lessons (grammar, usage, etc.). Lessons labeled with an (R) are reading based lessons.

  • “2.15: Punctuation: Commas ❖ Example 2.15 #2” → this means (1) open the lesson “2.15 Punctuation: Commas”, then (2) navigate to Section 2.1 within the lesson, then (3) complete the second walkthrough example from that section and its answer explanation.

Group Activity (in-class): Can be done as printables or online.

    • These are lesson specific activities/problems that can be printed as worksheets or completed online in small groups.

  • “(E) Primary Lesson Questions 4.4” → this means (1) open the English lesson 4.4, then (2) navigate to the Primary worksheet within the lesson, then (3) complete all questions on the worksheet.

      • This can also be done digitally through our platform.

Review Class (in-class): Student-centered adaptive practice derived from data compiled from previously completed adaptive practices from each lesson.

  • Review classes are a cumulative grouping of adaptive practices from various lessons that have already been taught. This review covers the biggest weaknesses on everything students learned, and is tailored to each student’s specific areas of need. In order to include a lesson in the scope of Review Classes, you must take attendance for that lesson. Visit our help desk to learn more about Review Classes. Review classes are included in all pacing guides above 12 hours.

Practice (at home): Practice makes perfect!

  • Practice is functional on mobile devices, but we recommend a laptop or tablet for an ideal experience. Please have students use Google Chrome to access the website.

Study Hall (at home): Optional assigned homework that will greatly drive score improvement.

  • This is to be completed after all walkthrough examples for the hour block are completed. This column shows where students can find the homework videos and materials.






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