Navigating Illustrative Math Lessons: A Comprehensive Guide for TeachersIn this guide, we'll break down the key elements of a typical lesson, helping you navigate through warm-ups, classroom activities, lesson synthesis, and cool-downs.
Illustrative Mathematics (IM) Design PrinciplesHow the IM materials focus on building students' mathematical understanding and skills through a variety of activities and representations.
The IM Curriculum: A Parent's GuideHow the IM curriculum helps students develop deep understanding and procedural fluency through carefully crafted and sequenced problems.
Getting the Most Out of ChalkTalk: A Guide to Effective UsageIn this guide, we will explore the key components of ChalkTalk's materials and how to make the most of them to enhance the teaching and learning experience.
What is the Purpose of a Cool DownThis article dives deeper into the significance of the Cool Down, shedding light on its benefits and potential outcomes.