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How to use the Group Activity feature?
Jorge Garcia avatar
Written by Jorge Garcia
Updated over a week ago

A walkthrough of our Group Activity feature to manage small-group learning exercises in ChalkTalk.

In this article, we'll cover:

What is the Group Activity feature?

ChalkTalk's Group Activity feature offers a comprehensive learning experience that extends beyond traditional methods. In addition to its individual practice phase, this feature also introduces a collaborative group phase, along with both online and offline versions. This article provides an in-depth look at these unique aspects, shedding light on how they enhance engagement, foster teamwork, and provide immediate feedback.

What are the Group Activity phases and types?

Individual and Group Phases: Enhancing Collaboration and Consensus

  1. Individual Phase (6 Minutes): At the beginning of the practice session, each student has 6 minutes to complete a set of three questions individually. This phase allows students to gauge their understanding of the material and answer questions at their own pace. Immediate feedback on individual answers encourages self-assessment and promotes focused learning.

  2. Group Phase (8 Minutes): After the individual phase, students have 8 additional minutes to collaborate in groups. Here, the emphasis shifts from individual responses to group consensus. All members of the group must agree on a single answer for each question. This phase cultivates teamwork, critical thinking, and effective communication as students deliberate and negotiate their way to consensus.

Online and Offline Practice: Catering to Different Settings

  1. Online Practice: ChalkTalk's Online Group Activity is designed for the digital realm. Students access the practice session online, first individually and then as a group. The online version offers the advantage of immediate feedback, automated scoring, and easy data tracking. This accessibility promotes flexible learning, enabling students to engage with the practice materials and collaborate with each other.

  2. Offline Practice: ChalkTalk also provides an offline version of the practice feature for scenarios where internet connectivity might be limited. In this mode, educators can download and print the practice materials, allowing students to work on them without needing an online connection. While offline practice does not offer immediate feedback, teachers can still facilitate discussions and review student answers afterward. Teachers are also provided with a teacher's answer key for the primary and intervention worksheets.

Time Constraints and Feedback: Timely Assessment and Insights

  1. Time Limit (14 Minutes): In the online version, students have a total of 14 minutes to complete both the individual and group phases. This timeframe encourages efficient decision-making, critical thinking, and the ability to work under a time constraint—a valuable skill in various academic and real-world contexts.

  2. Immediate Feedback: At the end of the practice session, the teacher concludes the session. Students and teachers then receive immediate feedback on their answers. This feedback includes scores, correct answers, and the identification of both individual students and groups who selected the correct response. This real-time assessment enhances the learning process by pinpointing areas of strength and areas that need improvement.

Value of ChalkTalk's Online Group Activity Feature

  1. Collaborative Learning: Students collaborate within the classroom, learning from diverse perspectives and problem-solving strategies during the group phase.

  2. Instant Feedback: Both students and teachers receive immediate insights, aiding quick adjustments for improved understanding.

  3. Extra Practice: The platform provides extra practice aligned with lessons.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough: How to use the Group Activity?

To Access the Offline Worksheets:

  1. Log into your ChalkTalk account, then select the Lessons tab and navigate to the lesson you want to start a Group Activity in.

  2. Select the Worksheets button to view the offline worksheets.

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  3. Choose between the primary and intervention worksheets.

  4. If you're looking for the teacher key, select the teacher's edition under that list.

To Access the Online Worksheets:

Part 1: Online Group Activity set-up

  1. First login to your ChalkTalk account, then select the Lessons tab and navigate to the lesson you want to start a Group Activity in.

  2. To see the questions and correct answers before students begin the exercise, click the Preview Questions button.

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  3. To change the group size, navigate to the Group Size icon and select the group size to your liking. You can have up to 4 students in each group.

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  4. You can change the group members by dragging and dropping them into a different group. (Be sure to do this before you begin the activity; once started, the groups cannot be changed.)

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  5. If you have any absent students, drag and drop them to the absent row. This is important so that no students are blocked during the group discussion phase.

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  6. Once you're all set with grouping, select the Start Activity button to start the online Group Activity.

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Please note that attendance will be automatically marked for the group practice once students complete the activity.

Part 2: Monitoring student's practice session

  1. Once you start the group activity, students will have two phases: individual phase and group phase. You can monitor your student's progress and track whether they haven't started, are in the individual phase, are in the group discussion phase, or have completed the practice.

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  2. You can also view the time left for the practice from the top right corner.

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  3. Once the timer runs out, you will see this pop-up screen. Select End Session to end the practice.

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  4. You can reset a group practice session after completion by selecting the reset button under Actions.

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Part 3: Reviewing student's practice scores

  1. To review your student's scores, select Review Answers. You can see the individuals who chose the correct answer and the groups who chose the correct answer.

  2. You can also view individual student's scores from the Intervention tab.

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How can my students navigate this feature?

To review how your students can use this tool, please refer to the article here.

That's all :)

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  1. Through the in-app Chat on the ChalkTalk platform

  2. Schedule a meeting using this calendar

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