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ChalkTalk SAT <> CLT Alignment
Jorge Garcia avatar
Written by Jorge Garcia
Updated over a week ago

ChalkTalk SAT Math Lesson

CLT Skills

1.1 Numbers & Operations

Draw conclusions by applying properties of prime numbers, even & odd integers, and negative & positive integers

1.2 Special Numbers

1.3 Exponents & Radicals

Use properties of exponents to simplify expressions

2.1 Algebraic Expressions

Simplify an expression using order of operations

Simplify absolute value expressions

2.2 Solving One-Variable Linear Equations

Solve equations & inequalities

2.3 Working with Multi-Variable Equations

Solve equations & inequalities

2.4 Graphs of Linear Equations

Find the x and y intercepts of a line

Find the slope of a line, given an equation or two points

Identify the slope of parallel and perpendicular lines

Idenify and apply the slope of vertical and horizontal lines

2.5 Systems of Linear Equations

Solve systems of equations and inequalities in two or three variables

2.6 Solving Linear Inequalities

Solve compound inequalities

2.7 Graphing Linear Inequalities

2.8 Applications

Draw logical conclusions given real-life conditions

3.1 Functions

Substitute terms or values into expressions and simplify them

3.2 Absolute Value Equations & Functions

Simplify absolute value expressions

Solve absolute value equations & inequalities

3.3 Quadratic Equations

Factor and solve quadratic equations with real and complex roots

3.4 Quadratic Functions

Analyze a quadratic function modeling a real-life scenario

3.5 Polynomial Functions

3.6 Rational Equations & Functions

3.7 Radical Equations & Functions

3.8 Exponential Equations

Solve percent of increase & decrease real-life problems

3.9 Exponential Functions

4.1 Ratios, Rates & Proportions

Solve real-life problems of proportion, ratio, and rate

4.2 Percentages

Solve percent of increase & decrease real-life problems

4.3 One Variable Data: Center & Spread

4.4 Two Variable Data: Models & Scatterplots

4.5 Probability

Calculate and interpret probability of an event

4.6 Inferences & Evaluating

Draw conclusions about an unknown integer from given information

4.7 Comparing Data

5.1 Lines & Angles

Find missing angle measurements & segment lengths in 2-D figures

5.2 Triangles

Determine and apply triangle congruence

Apply properties of isosceles, right, and equilateral triangles

5.3 Right Triangles & Trigonometry

Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find missing side lengths

Use the ratio of side lengths in special right triangles to find missing side lengths

Identify a trigonometric ratio for a given angle in a right triangle

Use the ratio of side lengths in special right triangles to find perimeters, areas, etc.

5.4 Circles

Convert between degrees and radians

Analyze an angle given on the unit circle

Identify trigonometric functions of angles on the unit circle

5.5 Coordinate Geometry

Transform points, lines, and figures in the (x,y)- coordinate plane, including reflection over the line y = x

5.6 Quadrilaterals & Other Polygons

Use properties of similar shapes to find missing angle measures, side lengths, perimeters, areas, etc.

Apply spatial reasoning about geometric figures in real-life scenarios

5.7 Area & Volume

Find the surface area, volume, or another value given surface area or volume of three-dimensional figures

Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find perimeters, areas, etc.

Find and apply the area & circumference of a circle

No Alignment Lessons at this time

Recognize patterns and identify terms in a sequence

Substitute values using special symbols

Use trigonometric identities to simplify an expression

Recognize identical trigonometric expressions

Identify and interpret graphs of trigonometric equations

Analyze a set of numbers based on a pair of conditions

Identify counterexamples of a given statement

Identify the truth value of statements under given. conditions

Spiraled throughout

Draw logical conclusions given real-life conditions

Chalktalk SAT Writing and Language Lesson

CLT Grammar and Writing Skills

Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech


Academic Vocabulary

Agreement and Common Usage Mistakes

Conventions of Usage: Pronoun Agreement, Usage, and Form

Conventions of Usage: Ambiguous Pronouns and Common Pronoun Mistakes

Conventions of Usage: Subject-Verb Agreement

Conventions of Usage: Delayed and Irregular Subjects

Conventions of Usage: Prepositional Idioms

Conventions of Usage: Verb Forms

Conventions of Usage: Adjectives and Adverbs

Syntax (sentence structure)

Sentence Structure: Correcting Fragments

Sentence Structure: Correcting Run-Ons

Sentence Structure: Conjunctions

Sentence Structure: Parallel Structure

Sentence Structure: Modifiers

Sentence Structure: Verb Tense


Conventions of Punctuation: Semicolons and Colons

Conventions of Punctuation: Listing With Semicolons and Colons

Conventions of Punctuation: Commas With Conjunctions and Introductory Phrases

Conventions of Punctuation: Commas and Syntax

Conventions of Punctuation: Apostrophes and Possession

Conventions of Punctuation: Apostrophes and Contractions

Logical Sequence and Coherence

Development: Generalizations and Main Idea

Development: Logical Sequence and Addition

Outlining and Organizing Ideas

Organization: Transitions

Diction (word choice)

Effective Language Use: Concision

Effective Language Use: Precision


Expression of Ideas: Data Graphics

Chalktalk SAT Reading Lesson

CLT Verbal Reasoning Skills

Information and Ideas: Reading Across Genres

Critical Reading Skills

Information and Ideas: Explicit and Implicit Details

Making Predictions and Inferences

Information and Ideas: Main Idea

Main Ideas and Supporting Details

Information and Ideas: Cause and Effect

Common Organization of Texts

Information and Ideas: Compare and Contrast

Information and Ideas: Sequential Relationships

Information and Ideas: Determining Meaning

Nuance and Word Meanings, Using Context to Determine Meaning

Information and Ideas: Citing Evidence

Citing Evidence

Craft and Structure: Point of View

Narrator's Point of View

Craft and Structure: Purpose

Author's Purpose, Persuasion and Rhetoric

Craft and Structure: Analyzing Claims and Counterclaims

Reading Argumentative Writing

Craft and Structure: Analyzing Reasoning

Craft and Structure: Analyzing Evidence

Craft and Structure: Analyzing Structure

Passage Structure

Synthesis: Interpreting Data Graphics

Visual Information in Informational Texts

Synthesis: Paired Passages

Comparing Two Texts

Synthesis: Synthesizing and Generalization

Critical Reading Skills

*There is not a specific lesson for each of these, but these passage types are covered through the Reading lessons in OLP and adaptive practice. Something to keep in mind for the SAT is that the passages are shorter and there is a 1:1 passage:question ratio.

Passage Types: Philosophy/Religion

Passage Types: Science

Passage Types: Literature

Passage Types: Historical


Word Roots and Prefixes

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