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ChalkTalk Pacing Guides
Jorge Garcia avatar
Written by Jorge Garcia
Updated over a week ago

ChalkTalk's content team has created hourly pacing guides to help teachers get the most out of their classroom time.

Learn more by clicking on one of the Frequently Asked Questions below:

The pacing guides are broken down by hour, whole group practice, adaptive practice, and other (homework). For whole group practice, teachers will be provided with select lesson and worksheet examples. For homework, there is an adaptive practice (embedded into your account) and “other” which includes study hall support videos, interactive lessons, and question structure slides.

Chalktalk offers the following pacing guides:

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know which Pacing Guide to use?

Once you know how many hours total for the year (one or two semesters) you can use towards SAT or ACT prep, choose the pacing guide that has the closest timeline to yours.

Where are pacing guides located on the platform?

All pacing guides can be found in the Teacher Training tab.

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 3.17.10 p.m.

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 3.18.15 p.m.

How did Chalktalk determine the content covered in the pacing guides?

Our content experts used data directly from the designated standardized tests to create these guides, focusing on the most heavily tested topics first. Even the shortest guide, 8 hours, will cover all of the main topics on the exam. If a topic is skipped, it is either very rarely tested on the exam or the topic is taught within another lesson being used. As your pacing guide length increases, the number of examples, worksheets, and notes provided will also increase. Chalktalk’s walk-through examples are proven to be the most effective way to support students as they prepare for the standardized test. They are prioritized in the pacing guides during whole group instruction time. When more time is available, the guide expands to include notes, worksheets, and adaptive practice.

What is the purpose of the "SAT/ACT Tips & Strategies" Pacing Guides?

The SAT and ACT have a ton overlapping content; the best way to prepare for both tests concurrently on a compressed timeline is to stick to one curriculum and supplement it with teaching only the lessons on strategies, exam format, and unit reviews for the SAT. We’ve found that having this type of focus on the platform is what leads to highest outcomes. These "tips & strategies" guides focus on the overview of the exams, summary slides for content and question structure strategy slides.

What if I run out of time?

All of the pacing guides have embedded review days to allow students to work through the Primary Worksheet examples at their own pace. If you need extra days to do whole group instruction, you can substitute some review time for that!

How do I use the ELA Pacing Guides separately?

Our ELA pacing guide combines English and Reading in one guide. If you are interested in only using one of these subjects, each example provided dictates whether it comes from an English lesson “E” or a Reading lesson “R”. We recognize that some teachers may have separate blocks to cover each of these subjects. If this is the case, utilizing the longer pacing guides will provide additional content for both Reading and English/Writing. If you have 8 hours to teach Reading, for example, you can focus on the Reading lessons outlined in our 16 hour pacing guide.

What about Writing and Science?

These sections on each standardized tests are supported in short units that can be done in any given amount of time and therefore do not require pacing guides.

How do I know how to interpret the pacing guide?

There is a key at the top of every guide to direct you!

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