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CCR ELA: 24 Hour Pacing Guide

See below for ChalkTalk's 24 hour pacing guide for the english and reading portions of college and career readiness exams such as TSIA2 and Accuplacer.

Jimena Pineda avatar
Written by Jimena Pineda
Updated over a week ago

To learn more about the uses of pacing guides, visit our help desk article “ChalkTalk Pacing Guides

Lesson Slides (in-class): Complete all slides & examples from the lesson unless otherwise instructed. Lessons labeled with a (W) are Writing related lessons (grammar, usage, etc.). Lessons labeled with an (R) are Reading based lessons. Lessons labeled with an (E) are focused on the TSIA2 essay, or the WritePlacer.

  • “2.1 Parts of Speech and Usage: Nouns and Pronouns ❖ Example 2.1 #2.1” → this means (1) open the lesson “2.1 Parts of Speech and Usage: Nouns and Pronouns”, then (2) navigate to Section 2.1 within the lesson, then (3) complete the second walkthrough example from that section and review its answer explanation.

Group Activity (in-class): Can be done as printables or online in the ChalkTalk app.

  • These are activities that ChalkTalk has for every lesson and can be printed as worksheets or completed online in small groups.

  • “2.1 Parts of Speech and Usage: Nouns and Pronouns ❖ Primary WS (Worksheet)” → this means (1) open the lesson “2.1 Parts of Speech and Usage: Nouns and Pronouns”, then (2) navigate to the Primary worksheet within the lesson, then (3) complete the questions.

Review Class (in-class): Student-centered adaptive practice derived from data compiled from previously completed adaptive practices from each lesson.

  • Review classes are a cumulative grouping of adaptive practices from various lessons that have already been taught. This review covers the biggest weaknesses on everything students learned, and is tailored to each student’s specific areas of need. In order to include a lesson in the scope of Review Classes, you must take attendance for that lesson. Visit our help desk to learn more about Review Classes.

Adaptive Practice (in-class or at home): Practice makes perfect!

  • Practice is functional on mobile devices, but we recommend a laptop or tablet for an ideal experience. Please have students use Google Chrome to access the website.

Study Hall (homework): Optional assigned homework that will drive score improvement.

  • This is to be completed after all walkthrough examples for the hour block are completed. This column shows where students can find the homework videos and materials.

24 Hour Pacing Guide (Chalktalk TSIA2)


Lesson Slides & Review (in-class)

Adaptive Practice (in-class or at home)

Study Hall (at-home)


Practice TSIA2 ELA Exam


(I) Unit 1.1 Lessons - Skip

(R) 1.1.1 TSIA2 Reading Overview: Reading Overview - Skip

(R) 2.1.1 Overview of Literary Texts: Literary Analysis

  • Section 2 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(R) 2.1.2 Overview of Literary Texts: Literary Elements

  • Section 2 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(R) 2.1.1

  • Adaptive Practice

(R) 2.1.2

  • Adaptive Practice

(R) 2.1.1 Overview of Literary Texts: Literary Analysis

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Characters’ Thoughts and Feelings”

(R) 2.1.2 Overview of Literary Texts: Literary Elements

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “The Elements of a Story”


(R) 2.1.3 Overview of Literary Texts: Thematic Development

  • Section 2 Turn and Talk #1

  • Section 2 Turn and Talk #2

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(R) 2.1.4 Overview of Literary Texts: Conflict and Resolution

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Section 2 Turn and Talk #1

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(R) 2.1.5 Overview of Literary Texts: Syntax and Word Choice

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Section 2 Turn and Talk

  • Section 3 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(R) 2.1.6 Overview of Literary Texts: Figurative Language and Literary Devices

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Section 2 Turn and Talk

  • Section 3 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(R) 2.1.3

  • Adaptive Practice

(R) 2.1.4

  • Adaptive Practice

(R) 2.1.5

  • Adaptive Practice

(R) 2.1.6

  • Adaptive Practice

(R) 2.1.3 Overview of Literary Texts: Thematic Development

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Understanding Theme”

(R) 2.1.4 Overview of Literary Texts: Conflict and Resolution

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Character Actions in Stories”

(R) 2.1.5 Overview of Literary Texts: Syntax and Word Choice

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Analyzing Tone Through Word Choice”

(R) 2.1.6 Overview of Literary Texts: Figurative Language and Literary Devices

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Figurative Language”


(R) 2.1.7 Overview of Literary Texts: Making Inferences and Predictions

  • Section 2 Turn and Talk #1

  • Section 3 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style


  • Provide 20 minutes for students to work through Online Group Activity for each of the Reading Unit 2.1 lessons.

(R) Unit 2.2 Lessons - Skip

(R) 3.1.1 Overview of Nonfiction Texts: Summarizing and Paraphrasing

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Section 3 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(R) 2.1.7

  • Adaptive Practice

(R) 3.1.1

  • Adaptive Practice

(R) 2.1.7 Overview of Literary Texts: Making Inferences and Predictions

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Making Inferences in Literary Texts”

(R) 3.1.1 Overview of Nonfiction Texts: Summarizing and Paraphrasing

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Videos: “Summarizing Stories” and “Creating Objective Summaries”


(R) 3.1.2 Overview of Nonfiction Texts: Language Use and Text Features

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Section 2 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(R) 3.1.3 Overview of Nonfiction Texts: Explicit and Implicit Details

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk #1

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk #2

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(R) 3.1.4 Overview of Nonfiction Texts: Main Idea

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk #1

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk #2

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style


  • Provide 15 minutes for students to work through Online Group Activity for each of the Reading Unit 3.1 lessons.

(R) 3.1.2

  • Adaptive Practice

(R) 3.1.3

  • Adaptive Practice

(R) 3.1.4

  • Adaptive Practice

(R) 3.1.2 Overview of Nonfiction Texts: Language Use and Text Features

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Interpreting Text Features”

(R) 3.1.3 Overview of Nonfiction Texts: Explicit and Implicit Details

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Videos: “Making Inferences in Informational Texts” and “Finding Connections Between Ideas in a Passage”

(R) 3.1.4 Overview of Nonfiction Texts: Main Idea

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “What is a Main Idea?”


(R) Unit 3.2 & 3.3 Lessons - Skip

(R) 4.1.1 Vocabulary: Denotative and Connotative Meaning

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(R) 4.1.2 Vocabulary: Words in Context

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Section 2 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(R) 4.1.3 Vocabulary: Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk #1

  • Section 2 Turn and Talk #1

  • Section 3 Turn and Talk #1

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style


  • Provide 5-10 minutes for students to work through Online Group Activity for each of the Reading Unit 4.1 lessons.

(R) 4.1.1

  • Adaptive Practice

(R) 4.1.2

  • Adaptive Practice

(R) 4.1.3

  • Adaptive Practice

(R) 4.1.1 Vocabulary: Denotative and Connotative Meaning

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Connotation”

(R) 4.1.2 Vocabulary: Words in Context

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Using Context Clues to Figure Out New Words”

(R) 4.1.3 Vocabulary: Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Videos: “What Are Affixes?” and “Latin and Greek Roots and Affixes”


Units 2, 3, and 4 Review Day: Complete the Primary Group Activity for each of the Units 2.1, 3.1, and 4.1 Lessons.


(W) 1.1.1 TSIA2 Writing Overview: Writing Overview - Skip

(W) 2.1.1 Parts of Speech and Usage: Nouns and Pronouns

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Section 2 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 2.1.2 Parts of Speech and Usage: Verb Forms

  • Section 2 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 2.1.3 Parts of Speech and Usage: Active vs. Passive Voice - Skip

(W) 2.1.4 Parts of Speech and Usage: Verb Tense

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 2.1.5 Parts of Speech and Usage: Adjectives and Adverbs

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk #1

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 2.1.1

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 2.1.2

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 2.1.4

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 2.1.5

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 2.1.1 Parts of Speech and Usage: Nouns and Pronouns

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Videos: “Introduction to Nouns” and “What Are Pronouns?”

(W) 2.1.2 Parts of Speech and Usage: Verb Forms

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Introduction to Verbs”

(W) 2.1.4 Parts of Speech and Usage: Verb Tense

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Introduction to Verb Tense”

(W) 2.1.5 Parts of Speech and Usage: Adjectives and Adverbs

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Videos: “Introduction to Adjectives” and “Introduction to Adverbs”


(W) 2.1.6 Parts of Speech and Usage: Articles

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 2.1.7 Parts of Speech and Usage: Prepositions

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk #1

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 2.1.8 Parts of Speech and Usage: Conjunctions

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 2.1.9 Parts of Speech and Usage: Subjects and Predicates

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 2.1.6

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 2.1.7

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 2.1.8

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 2.1.9

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 2.1.6 Parts of Speech and Usage: Articles

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Definite and Indefinite Articles”

(W) 2.1.7 Parts of Speech and Usage: Prepositions

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Prepositional Phrases”

(W) 2.1.8 Parts of Speech and Usage: Conjunctions

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Videos: “Coordinating Conjunctions”, “Subordinating Conjunctions”, “Correlative Conjunctions”, and “BONUS: FANBOYS”

(W) 2.1.9 Parts of Speech and Usage: Subjects and Predicates

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Subjects and Predicates”


(W) 2.1.10 Parts of Speech and Usage: Basic Subject-Verb Agreement

  • Section 1 Notes

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 2.1.11 Parts of Speech and Usage: Delayed and Indefinite Subjects

  • Section 1 Notes

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 2.1.10

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 2.1.11

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 2.1.10 Parts of Speech and Usage: Basic Subject-Verb Agreement

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Introduction to Agreement”

(W) 2.1.11 Parts of Speech and Usage: Delayed and Indefinite Subjects

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Subject-Verb Agreement”


(W) 2.1.12 Parts of Speech and Usage: Pronoun Forms

  • Section 1 Notes

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 2.1.13 Parts of Speech and Usage: Ambiguous Pronouns and Inappropriate Shifts in Pronoun Person and Number

  • Section 1 Notes

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 2.1.12

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 2.1.13

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 2.1.12 Parts of Speech and Usage: Pronoun Forms

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Subject-Verb Agreement”

(W) 2.1.13 Parts of Speech and Usage: Ambiguous Pronouns and Inappropriate Shifts in Pronoun Person and Number

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Pronoun Number”



  • Provide 20 minutes for students to work through Online Group Activity for each of the Writing Unit 2.1 lessons.

(W) Unit 2.2 Lessons - Skip

(W) 3.1.1 Conventions of Punctuation: End Punctuation

  • Section 1 Notes

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 3.1.1

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 3.1.1 Conventions of Punctuation: End Punctuation

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Three Ways to End a Sentence”


(W) 3.1.2 Conventions of Punctuation: Commas and Conjunctions

  • Section 1 Notes

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 3.1.3 Conventions of Punctuation: Within Sentence Punctuation - Commas

  • Section 1 Notes

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 3.1.2

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 3.1.3

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 3.1.2 Conventions of Punctuation: Commas and Conjunctions

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Meet the Comma”

(W) 3.1.3 Conventions of Punctuation: Within Sentence Punctuation - Commas

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “More Uses For Commas”


(W) 3.1.4 Conventions of Punctuation: Within Sentence Punctuation - Semicolons and Colons

  • Section 1 Notes

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk #1

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 3.1.5 Conventions of Punctuation: Punctuating Items in a Series

  • Section 1 Notes

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 3.1.4

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 3.1.5

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 3.1.4 Conventions of Punctuation: Within Sentence Punctuation - Semicolons and Colons

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Videos: “Introduction to the Semicolon” and “Linking Function of Colons”

(W) 3.1.5 Conventions of Punctuation: Punctuating Items in a Series

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Videos: “Punctuating a List” and “Semicolons and Complex Lists”


(W) 3.1.6 Conventions of Punctuation: Apostrophes

  • Section 1 Notes

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk #1

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 3.1.7 Conventions of Punctuation: Using Hyphens, Dashes, Ellipses, Brackets, and Parentheses - Skip


  • Provide 20 minutes for students to work through Online Group Activity for each of the Writing Unit 3.1 lessons.

(W) 3.1.6

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 3.1.6 Conventions of Punctuation: Apostrophes

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Videos: “Introduction to the Apostrophe”, “Introduction to the Possessive”, and “Introduction to Contractions”


(W) Unit 4.1.1 Conventions of Spelling: General Spelling Rules

  • All Section Notes

  • Sections 1-4 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) Unit 4.1.2 Conventions of Spelling: Commonly Confused Words

  • Section 1 Notes

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 4.1.1

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) Unit 4.1.1 Conventions of Spelling: General Spelling Rules

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Introduction to Singular and Plural Nouns”

(W) Unit 4.1.2 Conventions of Spelling: Commonly Confused Words

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Videos: “Affect and Effect”, “Hear/Here and “Accept/Except”, “Their, There, and They’re”, and “To, Two, and Too”


(W) 5.1.1 Essay Revision and Editing: Language Use - Figurative Language

  • Section 1 Notes

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 5.1.2 Essay Revision and Editing: Language Use - Word Choice

  • Section 1 Notes

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk #1

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 5.1.1

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 5.1.2

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 5.1.1 Essay Revision and Editing: Language Use - Figurative Language

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “How Do Writers Use Examples to Get Their Points Across?”

(W) 5.1.2 Essay Revision and Editing: Language Use - Word Choice

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Formal and Informal Language”


(W) 5.1.3 Essay Revision and Editing: Language Use - Concision and Precision

  • Section 1 Notes

  • Section 1 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 5.1.4 Essay Revision and Editing: Language Use - Mood

  • Section 2 Notes

  • Section 2 Turn and Talk

  • Walk-Through Example: Exam Style

(W) 5.1.3

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 5.1.4

  • Adaptive Practice

(W) 5.1.3 Essay Revision and Editing: Language Use - Concision and Precision

  • [Study Hall] Khan Academy® Video: “Concision” and “Precision”



  • Provide time for students to work through Online Group Activity for each of the Writing Unit 4.1 and 5.1 lessons.

(W) Unit 5.2 & 5.3 Lessons - Skip



Units 2, 3, 4, and 5 Review Day: Complete the first question of the Primary Group Activity for each of the Units 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, and 5.1 Lessons.

20- 20.5

(E) 1.1.1 Essay: Essay Overview

  • Section 1 Notes

  • Section 2 Notes

(E) 1.1.2 Essay: Addressing the Prompt

  • Lesson Opener

  • Section 2 Notes




(E) 1.1.3 Essay: Purpose and Focus

  • Section 3 Notes

  • Section 3 Turn and Talk

(E) 1.1.4 Essay: Organization and Structure

  • Lesson Opener

  • Section 2 Notes

(E) 1.1.5 Essay: Development and Support

  • Section 3 Turn and Talk

  • Section 3 Notes

(E) 1.1.6 Essay: Sentence Variety - Skip

(E) 1.1.7 Essay: Vocabulary and Voice - Skip

(E) 1.1.8 Essay: Style - Skip

(E) 1.1.9 Essay: Mechanical Conventions

  • Lesson Opener

  • Section 2 Notes

(E) 1.1.10 Essay: Critical Thinking - Skip

(E) 1.1.3

  • Primary WS

(E) 1.1.4

  • Primary WS

(E) 1.1.5

  • Primary WS

(E) 1.1.9

  • Primary WS



Review Class

  • Cumulative adaptive practice review from each lesson covered.

  • Tailored to each student dependent on their specific skill-gaps.


Practice TSIA2 ELA Exam

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